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Mr. Modem's Knowledge Base
The Mr. Modem Knowledge Base (KB) is a password-protected area located on my Web site that is only accessible by subscribers.
Due to the size of the archive (it could wipe out a rain forest if printed), it is an online resource only, intended to be searched and results viewed on screen. The Knowledge Base is updated every week, and all links within the archived newsletters are "live" and clickable.
Getting Started
You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view archived newsletters, which appear in .PDF format. If you don't have the Acrobat Reader, please click HERE to get it. It's free and very easy to install if you just follow the instructions. If you need additional assistance, click HERE to access another article in this library that explains, in excruciating detail, how to download and install it.
(A wonderful alternative to the Adobe Reader is the FoxIt Reader. It's about one-tenth the size of the Adobe Reader and works beautifully. I prefer the FoxIt Reader, but either one will work fine.)
Note: When the Acrobat Reader has been successfully installed, a shortcut icon will appear on your Desktop which you can either permit to remain or right-click and delete. The Acrobat Reader will launch automatically whenever it's needed, so there’s no particular need to have the shortcut on your Desktop.
Create Your Password
After you install the Acrobat Reader, you will need to create your Knowledge Base password. As a current subscriber, one of the following two methods will be applicable to you for password creation:
Method No. 1: If you receive your newsletter each week via email, as most subscribers do, click the "Manage Your Subscription" link located at the end of each issue.
When the Subscription Management page appears, scroll down to the "Modify Account Password" section.
Create your password by typing whatever word you would like to use as your password into the Password field, then enter it again in the Confirm Password field, and click the Update Password button. You will receive the confirmation, "Your password has been updated." That’s all there is to it.
Quasi-Important Note: Your password can be any combination of letters and numbers, up to 20 characters. No spaces or special characters are permitted. Passwords are case sensitive, thus susceptible to chafing, so if you use upper- and lower-case letters, you will need to enter your password each time using the same upper- and lower-case letters.
Examples of valid passwords: cumquat, aardvark, JamesBond007, 1492columbus, supercalifragilistic. (Remember, 20 characters maximum.)
Examples of invalid passwords: James Bond007, WhereisWaldo? Eureka!! (These are invalid because no spaces or special characters are permitted.)
Method No. 2: If you retrieved the current issue of the newsletter from the Web due to problems with ISP mail blocking, you won't have the "Manage Your Subscription" link referenced above. But have no fear, you will not be Knowledge Baseless! Simply send an email to me at and tell me what word you would like to use as your password. I'll enter it for you and confirm by email when your password has been entered.
How to Access the Knowledge Base You will find a "Subscriber Log In" area on the left-hand side of my Web site, so go to and follow these steps:
1. Enter your newsletter delivery address in the Email field.
2. Enter your password in the Password field.
3. Click the Log In button.
The Knowledge Base is easy to use, but you’ll find more information about it when you log in, so please make yourself at home.
Semi-Quasi-Important Note: Because the search-results newsletters are in PDF format, there is a 10+ second delay as the entire database of hundreds of issues is searched, your search results cataloged and displayed. The delay is normal and is not the result of any problem with your system or your connection; there's just a tremendous amount of technology grinding away behind the scenes as it searches thousands of pages.
And Finally, On A Serious Note: Please respect the fact that the Knowledge Base is being provided to subscribers without charge, as an additional benefit of subscribing. It is for the exclusive use of subscribers and may not be shared with non-subscribers. The Knowledge Base represents months of costly construction, and its contents represent years of my work, all of which is copyright protected. I am pleased to make this vast amount of information (the equivalent of more than five published books) available to subscribers. The only thing I ask in return is that you help me spread the word about my newsletter and service and invite your friends, neighbors, colleagues and others to subscribe. Thank you very much.
Enjoy the Knowledge Base!
Mr. M.
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