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I hope you enjoy the following sites, part of
Mr. Modem’s Magical Memory Tour. If you have a favorite nostalgia or history Web site, please send me an e-mail and tell me all about it!
Mr. M.
A&E's award-winning television program on the Web. More than 25,000 biographies and 2,500 videos.
Brooklyn History
The Brooklyn Historical Society online is a virtual library, museum and education center dedicated to preserving the culture and heritage of Brooklyn.
Burma Shave Slogans from the 1950s
A collection of roadside Burma Shave signs.
Burma Shave Signs
At one time more than 7,000 sets of Burma Shave signs appeared along the highways and byways of America. Fortunately, many are preserved thanks to the collective memories of many individuals.
Mr. Modem,
The road he’ll pave,
To the story of
Burma Shave
Snippets of time captured from the golden age of radio and television. Includes profiles, scripts, audio and video clips and discussion groups.
Dealey Plaza
A name and a location etched into the minds of everyone who remembers that terrible day in November 1963. Dealey Plaza has changed a bit in the intervening years, but it is still "the place."
Early America
Historic documents from 18th Century America.
Fifties Web, The
If you can remember sock hops, poodle skirts, circle pins, Dick Clark's "American Bandstand," and the Mouseketeers, stroll on over to this site.
Gold Rush Stories
Alaskan anecdotal nuggets of history.
History Buff's Home Page
The history of the world as recorded by newspapers. Site includes an intriguing guide to famous hoaxes involving newspapers.
History Net, The
An extraordinarily comprehensive site laden with historical information, personality profiles, eyewitness accounts, interviews, photographs, and more.
The Honeymooners
Everything you ever wanted to know about Ralph, Alice, Norton and Trixie.
Mayberry FAQ
A delightful collection of facts about Andy, Barney, Aunt Bee, Opie, and the entire gang of Mayberry. Search the database by keyword or browse by character. If you have any questions you can always e-mail Floyd, the barber.
Nostalgia Central
A one-stop journey through three decades of music, movies, television, pop culture and social history. Whether you are looking for reference material, entertainment, or simply a blast from the past, if it's from the 60s, 70s or 80s you will find it here.
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Nostalgia Factory, TheMore than 38,000 original items for sale, from current-release theatrical movie posters to lobby cards from the silent era—and just about everything in between
Nostalgia Gallery of Stan Cline, The
Paintings that capture the scenes of yesterday on canvas. The gallery displays the artist's colorful time-capsules which encompass many themes, including city skylines, restaurants, drive-ins, beach and ocean scenes, baseball stadiums, gas stations, theatres, and more.
Nostalgia Trivia
Lots of nostalgia trivia quizzes covering everything from fads, products, jingles, television and radio, specific years, and more.
Nostalgia Unlimited
Everything from poodle skirts to carhop trays to dashboard hula dolls!
Print Media Ads
More than 7,000 print advertisements published between 1911 and 1955. Take a step back into history to this site which places this vast collection into five categories: beauty and hygiene, radio, television, transportation, and World War II.
Psychodelic 1960s, The
Links, information and pictures related to the late-sixties psychedelic era, courtesy of the Special Collections Department of the University of Virginia.
Rewind the Fifties
The site for cool cats, hep chicks, greasers, motorheads, beats and krazy kittens. More than 300 photos of cars, vintage posters, pinups and clipart, all about the 50's.
Saturday Night Live
The show’s official site, here you can visit the screening room and select a show season (1 through 24), and view video clips. If you remember Emily Litella, Baba Wawa, and a host of other classic characters, don’t miss this site.
Stroll Down Memory Lane to 1957
Tax History
The history of American taxation. A must-see for those prone to spontaneous weeping around April 15th.
This Day in History
Brought to you by The History Channel.
Transistor Radios
More than 350 pages of pictures and information about the device that transformed our listening habits.
Vintage Recordings
This site is devoted to vintage music from the early decades of the 20th Century. Recordings have been transcribed into streaming Real Audio.
Yesterday USA
Listen to old radio broadcasts such as Abbott and Costello, Amos and Andy, Burns and Allen.
A nostalgic look at many of the discontinued attractions over the past 40 years at Disneyland.
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